Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Visually Tantalizing Thanksgiving Feast

Can you spare a scrap of meat or sip of water? I will accept anything to satiate my burning thirst or ravenous hunger. Forgive me, mortal, for I was once like you. I am Tantalusa former Phrygian king. I reside here in Hades after living a life of blasphemy. I killed in sacrifice my own son Pelops and served his boiled body at a banquet honoring the gods. For this gruesome crime and other evil deeds, I was condemned to the lowest reaches of Tartarus. Here I am tormented by receding waters that prevent me from quenching my thirst and by fruit that will never satisfy my hunger as it hangs just out of my reach. A cruel, but fitting punishment. So, mortals, when you gather with your family to dine in November, remember me and be thankful that you do not suffer my fate.

A deliciously plump and juicy, fully roasted, seasonally prepared Thanksgiving turkey makes your mouth water.

Freshly made home-style mashed potatoes covered in thick, juicy gravy are a staple food.

Stuffing traditionally made for the Thanksgiving table.

Cranberry sauce to add a little color and fruity flavor to the autumnal feast.
Freshly baked dinner rolls add a tasty warmth to the holiday meal.
A tempting slice of pumpkin pie to round out a fine Thanksgiving dinner.

I can only image the gravy-slathered turkey chunks and lumpy mounds of mashed potatoes that stick to your plates. Oh, how I yearn for just a taste of that glorious food! Celebrate with your family by having them over for dinner, but do not make them the main course. Be a gracious host and you will not suffer as I have.

Happy Thanksgiving to the Righteous Living!

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