Saturday, November 17, 2012

Cassandra's Cryptic Visions of the Future

My name is Cassandra.

I was once a princess of Troy, but after the war–when those cunning Greek warriors penetrated our city's defenses–I was abducted and made a concubine of General Agamemnon. I am the spoils of war–a prize for the Greeks because of my powers of prognostication.

I fear the spiteful blade of Clytaemnestra, whose anger towards her husband Agamemnon knows no bounds and does not bode well for me. Before my destined demise, I must convey to you three visions of the future. Make of them what you will.

Vision #1: The Great Fall

A champion of the people shall fall
By the swelling voices of his foes,
     Whose words maul
     And actions appall–
To his end, stand no other heroes.

Vision #2: The Rebuild

There will be a time of great pain,
There will be a time of great anguish.
     During the rain
     That spirals again–
All fires of vengeance shall extinguish.

Vision #3: The Halcyon Age

Out of the darkness and death shall arise
A new salvation for all of mankind
     Witnessed by eyes
     Of the newly wise–
Only the remnants of evil remain blind.

I must go. Farewell, Aeneas! You are our only hope.

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